
  • How long does shipping take?
    • Orders take 1 to 3 business days to process and ship
  • When can I expect my package?
    • Orders take 3 to 6 business days to deliver.
  • Where do you ship?
    • We currently ship everywhere in India!


  • How can I make a payment?
    • You can pay securely at the checkout using any of the following payment options: Credit Card, Debit Card, UPI, Wallets and Net-banking.

  • Is payment secure on the website?
    • All payments are made through Razorpay payment gateway, one of India's securest payment options. It offers more than 100 options to pay.

Returns & Exchanges

  • Can I cancel my order?
    • Please get in touch with us at sales@blumuno.com or +91-7272-06-9494 for any cancellation related query.

  • Can I return/ exchange my order?
    • In case you have received a damaged or defective product, please bring it to the notice of the delivery personnel immediately. In case you notice an issue later, please call us at +91-7272-06-9494 or write to us at sales@blumuno.com

      Our team will assess the damage and get back to you within two business days. Depending on the degree of damage, we will either repair the product or offer you a replacement.

  • How to return/ exchange the product?
    • To initiate a exchange online:

      Please send us 2 images of the product (one of the damaged/ defective part and one of the entire product) to ascertain the reason for return which can be initiated through whatsapp at +91-7272-06-9494 or write to us at sales@blumuno.com

        For more information about Return and Refund policy please check our Return and Refund Policy page.

    • Can I return something if I don't like it?
      • Item cannot be refunded for any reasons other than following: Damage / dead on arrival, Manufacturing defect/Expired product & In-correct product.
      • As the shipping cost of furniture products is high, we accept exchanges for the above reasons only.

    Display Products at Discounted Prices

     Every piece is checked for quality and is packed in best conditions for shipping!

    We have products that we display at Exhibitions and Furniture Fairs and are willing to sell display items at a reduced price, as it allows us to free up space!

    Buy perfect- conditioned products at competitive prices while contributing to a greener environment. Help give these products a second chance with full warranty.

    That’s not all, reusing i.e. recycling ♻️ helps the environment 🌍 too.

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